Welcome to St Helen Auckland Community Primary School I would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to our website, where you will find information about our school. I am enormously proud to be the Headteacher at St Helen Auckland Community Primary School. We are a mainstream primary school that is committed to inclusive education and meeting the needs of all the children in our care. This school is a special place where we are very ambitious for all of our pupils. We have a team of talented, hardworking and committed staff who are dedicated to doing the very best for all children. We believe a happy child will be a successful child and work to ensure every child enjoys school. We do this by providing the best teaching and learning experiences that we can through an … Read more
Welcome to St Helen Auckland Community Primary School
Our website is under construction. All updated documents will be uploaded in the next few weeks.
We currently have 210 children on roll including Nursery
Our whole school attendance last week was 94.7%, our target attendance is 96%
St Helen Auckland Primary are able to offer 30 hours free child care to eligible parents, telephone the School Office – 01388 604168
We have spaces available for 2 Year Old’s and Nursery provision, paid and funded places available.