Learning Powers
We are always striving to become better learners and we use learning powers to do this. We use our learning powers all of the time, in lessons and even in the playground. Learning powers are important because they help us with skills for life as well as in the classroom; they help us to prepare for when we grow up and want a job of our own.
These are the learning powers we use to help us with our learning:
- Resilience – being absorbed, managing distractions, noticing and perseverance (all to do with feeling)
- Resourcefulness – questioning, making links, imagining, reasoning and capitalising (all to do with thinking)
- Reflectiveness – planning, revising, using and meta-learning (all to do with managing)
- Reciprocity – interdependence, collaboration, empathy and listening and imitation (all to do with relating)
Our teachers notice when we use our learning powers in the classroom. Also, we can achieve a star of the week certificate for using them!
Heartmath is a special breathing technique which we teach the children in our school.
It helps to prepare children for their learning, makes them ready for their learning and helps them to relax.
The children and adults in class listen to music and breathe in and out steadily whilst imagining a calming and relaxing place.
Children practise this breathing technique at the beginning of the school day, after play time and after dinner time. Children report that it helps them to concentrate and focus in their lessons, whilst also making them feel relaxed and calm ready for learning.
Helping Your Child
Helping Your Child With Maths (leaflet) Early Years
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