Updated: January 2024
We have a Designated Teacher for Looked after Children (CLA), Mrs Treend who is also the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). She works closely with the Virtual School who are there to ensure effective systems are in place for CLA. A significant amount of children may be undiagnosed when they begin to be looked after and we work quickly and effectively to assess any undiagnosed SEN to ensure that they are addressed as quickly as possible.
Mrs Treend works closely with all CLA with SEN and with all staff to ensure that they understand the implications for CLA with SEN. CLA with SEN are supported in school and have a Support Plan which is reviewed every term. All CLA have a statutory Care Plan, which is drawn up and reviewed by the Local Authority that looks after them. The Personal Education Plan (PEP) is a legal part of the Care Plan; which is a statutory requirement for CLA in education provision.
Mrs Treend ensures that CLA have a PEP which is also reviewed every term. The Support Plan and the PEP should compliment each other. If a CLA with SEN requires further assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) we are particularly aware of the need to avoid any delays for CLA and carry out the EHC needs assessment in the shortest possible timescale. Addressing a CLA’s SEN will be a crucial part of avoiding any breakdown in their school and or care placement.