Updated January 2024
Most children and young people will have their special educational needs met in mainstream schools through good classroom practice. This is called Quality First Teaching.
At St Helen Auckland Primary School we follow a graduated support approach which is called “Assess, Plan, Do, Review”. This means that we will:
- Assess a child’s special educational needs
- Plan the provision to meet your child’s aspirations and agreed outcomes
- Do put the provision in place to meet those outcomes
- Review the support and progress
As part of this approach, we will produce a SEN Support Plan that describes the provision that we will make to meet a child’s special educational needs and agreed outcomes. Parents and carers will be fully involved in this process. A small percentage of children and young people with significant learning difficulties might need an assessment that could lead to Top Up funding or an Education, Health and Care Plan.
All children with additional needs with have a support plan in place, personalised to their individuals needs. Children’s progress is closely monitored, moving them on to the next step when appropriate. Staff meet regularly with parents to provide information of their progress during SEND meetings, parents meetings and TAF meetings. For children with Education Health and Care Plans, an Annual Review will take place each year, involving the pupil, parents, staff from school and any external agencies working with them.
Each child’s teacher will be finding ways to support them such as:
• Changing the way activities are planned and delivered
• Matching activities to the ability / need of each child (differentiation)
• Adapting learning materials such as equipment and activities to suit each child’s needs
• Offer small group support to promote skills identified in the child’s SEN Support Plan.
Teachers/SENCO and Support Staff will work with parents and children to identify the support needed to meet agreed outcomes. The provision is planned and interventions are allocated to individual needs. The children take an active role with setting their targets, discussing them with the class teacher/SENCO.
Staff regularly track the progress of children with SEN through school tracking systems, review meetings, lesson observations and support plans.