Long Term Plan
Long Term Plan for Art and Design
At St Helen Auckland Primary School, we recognise the importance of Art and Design when developing our children’s personal expression, cultural understanding and creativeness. As one of the many Foundation Subjects taught in Primary Schools, we give the learning of Art & Design the prominence it requires.
We follow the National Curriculum for Art & Design, which aims to ensure that all children:
- produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
- become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
- evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
- know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms
We aim to provide a high-quality art and design education that engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As our pupil’s progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of Art and Design.
Our Art and Design Curriculum lends itself to developing the following key skills for life (Learning Powers):
- Perseverance
- Absorption
- Resilience
- Collaboration
- Resourcefulness
- Using
- Making links
- Reflectiveness
The teaching of Art and Design at St Helen Auckland Primary School is based on the National Curriculum and is taught across topics to ensure a well structured approach to this creative subject. During the teaching of Art and Design our children are shown how to use a range of
artistic techniques.
Sketchbooks are used as a way to allow children to record their observations, store original ideas and develop personal practices. These follow the children into their next year group as an ongoing record of creativity. The work of famous local, national and international artist are explore to enhance the children’s learning. The children also have the opportunity to enhanced their learning during ‘Big Art’ days. Children come together to collaborate and explore different styles and techniques of a range of artists or important times of year linked to other subject ie: RE, History.
Local Artists National Artists Worldwide Artists
Art and Design is taught in a range of ways depending on the links to the topics covered and is planned to be delivered every other half term .
Art and Design is taught in this way at St Helen Auckland Primary School to allowed children to become more confident in their own artistic ability.
The main reasons for teaching art & design this way is so that by the end of KS2, pupils are able to:
- Independently manipulate a range of materials, apply the necessary skills and use the techniques they need to produce inventive pieces of art
- Take inspiration from real-life artists (near and far, past and present) and have an understanding of the meaning of art and what it represents within our world today
- Use creative expression and their knowledge of language to share feelings, thoughts or ideas about the meaning behind pieces of art
- Use their sketchbook as a personal record of their creative abilities and uniqueness
Ongoing assessments are made throughout the year. KWL grids are carried out at the start of each term so the teacher has a good understanding of the children’s prior knowledge. Teachers use this information to plan future lessons; ensuring children are supported and challenged. Key questions are planned for the start of each term and evident on Medium Term Planning.
Medium Term Planning
Year 1 MTP ART
Year 2 MTP ART
Year 3 MTP ART
Year 4 MTP ART
Year 5 MTP ART
Year 6 MTP ART
Long Term Planning
Long Term Plan for Art and Design